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The Art People Podcast

Apr 2, 2020

This week Justin Favela calls Nevada Public Radio to chat with artist and designer Brent Holmes. After hearing Brent talk about the arts during this pandemic on KNPR’s State of Nevada, Justin wanted to continue the conversation and get into how artists are responding to their new reality in isolation. Listen in as Brent shares his early memories of the Las Vegas strip, talks about his relationship with the desert, his thoughts on what we are going through at this moment and much, much more. 

Show Notes:

KNPR’s State of Nevada

Anthony Bondi

Pandemic Drawings - Barrick Museum of Art


Adriana Chavez

Heidi Rider

Karla Lagunas

Nevada Humanities

Brent’s Website

Instagram - @bread_n_circus


The Art People Podcast is edited and produced by Justin Favela (@favyfav). Production assistance from Mindy Hale and music by Mike McDonald. 

Follow us on social media @artpeoplepod and visit for more episodes.